Lutherans Say 7

Lutherans Say 7

Recognizing the invaluable and on?going contributions of the members of this church and its three expressions, it is also important to promote a positive and fruitful discussion about its future. File size: 0.32 mb Download
Lutherans Say 1

Lutherans Say 1

ELCA member’s and pastor’s current involvement in the life of the church and how and why church has changed over their lifetime.ELCA member’s and pastor’s current involvement in the life of the church and how and why church has changed over their lifetime...
Lutherans Say 2b

Lutherans Say 2b

ELCA member’s and pastor’s views about the social role of the church (local and wider expressions) and the connections between faith and social issuesELCA member’s and pastor’s views about the social role of the church (local and wider expressions) and the...