Shared Placement

Shared Placement

Describes how a synod can plan for and train synod mission personnel for international placement within their companion church.Describes how a synod can plan for and train synod mission personnel for international placement within their companion church. File size:...
Ecumenical Relations

Ecumenical Relations

A PowerPoint presentation on Ecumenical Relations of the ELCA in 2010.A powerpoint presentation on Ecumenical Relations of the ELCA in 2010 File size: 2.92 mb Download
Global Mission 101 Spanish

Global Mission 101 Spanish

Are you curious about how global mission is changing? Explore and practice three “lenses” that widen our view of mission in all contexts. In Spanish.Are you curious about how global mission is changing? Explore and practice three “lenses” that widen our...
Executive Briefing DVD

Executive Briefing DVD

This is a 37-minute DVD on accompaniment by Rev. Rafael Malpica executive director of the Global Mission unit including 4 short segments on ELCA in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East/Europe. File size: 0.49 mb Download