Culture Presentation

Culture Presentation

A brief PowerPoint Presentation on culture and accompaniment focusing on how where we come from affects what we think.A brief PowerPoint Presentation on culture and accompaniment focusing on how where we come from affects what we think. File size: 3.55 mb...
Music and Mission Spanish

Music and Mission Spanish

Embrace and welcome all people through inclusive worship and music. Explore global and local context in our sacred speech and song. In Spanish. Embrace and welcome all people through inclusive worship and music. Explore global and local context in our sacred speech...
Companion Synod Handbook German

Companion Synod Handbook German

A valuable resource on beginning and strengthening companion synod relationships, including complex issues involved in cross-cultural relationships.A valuable resource on beginning and strengthening companion synod relationships, including complex issues involved in...
Models for Synod Global Ministry

Models for Synod Global Ministry

A description of different ways in which a synod can organize its global mission work.A description of different ways in which a synod can organize its global mission work. File size: 0.32 mb Download
Music and Mission

Music and Mission

Embrace and welcome all people through inclusive worship and music. Explore global and local context in our sacred speech and song.Embrace and welcome all people through inclusive worship and music. Explore global and local context in our sacred speech and song. File...