Some Basics for Evaluating

Some Basics for Evaluating

This paper provides some basic pointers for evaluating a ministry. Used with other simple evaluation tools it will help you ask key questions to get the most out of a time of evaluation. File size: 0.06 mb Download
Some Basics for Planning

Some Basics for Planning

This paper with corresponding worksheet is designed to provide some basic pointers for planning. It will help you to identify concrete tasks needed to accomplish goals and outcomes. File size: 0.07 mb Download
The Great Permission Workshop

The Great Permission Workshop

These pages outline a simple 90-minutes workshop you can use in a congregation to take advantage of the book, The Great Permission. File size: 0.15 mb Download
Using Stories of Faith

Using Stories of Faith

Ideas on how to use SOFIA to inspire new ministries in your congregation and to deepen members’ understanding of the work of the greater church. File size: 0.25 mb Download