ELCA Resource Center

Welcome to the downloadable resources web page of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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TIP: Start with the first filter "Topics" to sort the resources to find what you need.


ELCA advocacy works for change in public policy based on the experience of Lutheran ministries, programs, and projects around the world and in communities across the United States. Our faith calls us to learn more and speak out on issues affecting our vulnerable neighbors and the forces threatening creation.

Search these resources for information that will educate and equip you to be a more effective advocate.

Parish Election Challenge: Building Community with Election Engagement
Guía de compromiso cívico de la ELCA
Worship Resources for a National Election (PDF)
Bible Study: The Magnificat Can Be a Dangerous Song
Election Engagement Updates
ELCA Election Activators
Civic Engagement in 2020
ELCA Advocacy Summer School video series
Bible Study: Faith in Action
Prepared to Vote Checklist - fillable
Prepared to Vote Checklist
EPA Action Workbook for Congregations
EPA Energy & Water Efficiency Checklist for Worship Facilities
2024 ELCA Federal Policy Priorities
We Are Christians Against Christian Nationalism
Update: Farm Bill (Jan. 2024)
Intergenerational Convo Starter
Group Ideas for youth exploring advocacy & faith (LOPPW)
God's Story and Our Story: A Call to Advocacy (LOPPW)
2023-2024 Farm Bill Asks
Use of Synod and District Map
Farm Bill Invitation to Action & Template Letter
Thinking About Weapons of Mass Destruction
On-ramp to Advocacy
Discussion Starter 4: Let's talk: About the Holy Land
Discussion Starter 1: What is faith-based advocacy?
Discussion Starter 2: How do I approach policymakers?
Discussion Starter 3: How do I use media for impact?
Discussion Starter 5: Let's talk: About immigration
ELCA advocacy staff
U.S. International Aid
Just Transition to a sustainable future
LOWC: 2021 UN Priorities
Carbon Pricing Questions
Advocacy 101 for young adults
ELCAvotes/Women of the ELCA webinar slides
Called to be political (from Women of the ELCA)
Money in Politics
Churches as polling places
Bible study: Suffering and rejoicing as one
Fact Sheet: Hunger is a Racial Equity Issue
Environmental Racism and Health
Global Health Inequities
Race, Housing and Health Care
Virtual Visits
Global Health - Malaria
Global Health - HIV/AIDS
Global Health - Maternal and Child Health
Global Health - Security
Creation Care Ambassadors