ELCA Resource Center

Welcome to the downloadable resources web page of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

If you're interested in ordering resources, we invite you to explore our ELCA eStore Catalog.

TIP: Start with the first filter "Topics" to sort the resources to find what you need.


Welcome to the candidacy resources page. If you are looking to begin your candidacy journey, please select "Start Here" from the subcategory drop-down button. If you wish to enter into candidacy, select the "Candidates" subcategory. The "Essays" subcategory will display essay forms that are posted every May 1st. Selecting "Congregations" will display forms pertaining to congregations. The "Internships & Seminary" subcategory will display forms pertaining to internships with a seminary. The "Synod" subcategory displays candidacy decision forms. Finally, the "First Call" subcategory displays forms for candidates.

Personal Finance Worksheet
Candidacy Contacts - Synod Staff Contact List
Community Account Access
Candidacy Working Group Proposal - Fall 2024
First Call - Vacancies - September 2024
ELCA First Call - Vacancies - September 2024 (Zip Folder)
SAMPLE Candidacy Application
Candidacy Manual 2023
Appendix A: Guidelines for Discernment
Summary of Candidacy
Called to Lead
Called to Lead (Spanish)
Candidate Plan
Definitions and Guidelines
Frequently Asked Questions about Candidacy
Resourceful Servants Financial Counseling Booklet - Exploring the Call
Resourceful Servants Financial Counseling Booklet - Candidacy Partners
Wholeness Wheel Competencies
Application for Reinstatement to the Roster
Application to the Roster of Ordained Ministers from Another Christian Tradition
Financial Counseling Flowchart
Personal Health Assessment
Candidatura Evaluacion de Salud Personal
Pre-Endorsement Checklist for Candidates at Non-ELCA Seminaries (Appendix E)
MWSAC AND MWSERV Candidacy Process Checklist
Reinstatement Checklist
Candidate Plan
Candidate FERPA
Candidatura FERPA en Espanol
Candidatura Planificacion de Sus Finanzas para el Seminario
Candidatura Solicitud de Candidatura
Approval Essay
Candidatura Approval Essay (Spanish)
Endorsement Essay
Candidatura Endorsement Essay (Spanish)
Congregational Application for an Intern
Congregational Registration Form (Communal Discernment)
Congregational Support for Candidates at a Seminary
Word and Sacrament Internship - Three Month Evaluation - INTERN
Word and Sacrament Internship - Mid-Year Evaluation - INTERN
Word and Sacrament Internship - Nine Month Evaluation - INTERN
Word and Sacrament Internship - Final Evaluation - INTERN
Word and Sacrament Internship - Three Month Evaluation - SUPERVISOR
Word and Sacrament Internship - Mid-Year Evaluation - SUPERVISOR
Word and Sacrament Internship - Nine Month Evaluation - SUPERVISOR
Word and Sacrament Internship - Final Evaluation - SUPERVISOR
Word and Sacrament Internship - Mid-Year Evaluation - COMMITTEE
Word and Sacrament Internship - Final Evaluation - COMMITTEE
Report of Internship/Report of Faculty (Form D)
Word and Service Internship - Site Application